Cultured Vegetable Recipe

The Cultured Vegetable Workshop will be rescheduled due the magical snow we had here in Albuquerque.  I did promise you all the recipe so here is the short version.  Learn much more about the healing powers of fermented foods and how to make them at the workshop.

NEW DATE:  March 28th 10:00 AM  Vitamin Cottage Grocers  4420 Wyoming Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87111


Here is the recipe to make your own cultured vegetables:

Need: Food processor, very large bowl, cutting board, good knifes, organic vegetables, culture mix, canning jars, water, time, love.

Vegetables: Culture packets -High Vitamin K 2 starter culture, Carrots, White cabbage, Red cabbage (I use red cabbage) Beets, Daikon radish- optional, Turnips, Peeled garlic, peeled ginger, and herbs such as basil, sage, rosemary, thyme, or oregano. Onions tend to overpower the mix, no matter how little are used so I avoid them.  Sea vegetables like dulse or wakame.

  1. Grind vegetables and put in large bowl. Mix in a packet of culture and water enough to moisten. About 1-2 lb carrots and head of cabbage and 4-6 beets plus ginger or garlic and sea vegetables makes about 3 quarts or 6-8 small Ball canning jars. I use the wide mouth jars.


  1. Save some of the cabbage leaf for the top of the jars.
  1. Pack vegetables in sterilized jars air tight, cover with the cabbage leaf and lid. You can put a rock on top inside for crunchy vegetables.
  1. Place on a cookie sheet on the counter for 4-7 days. Ideally at 72 degrees. The jars will ooze. Put in refrigerator and enjoy for the next few months. They will last up to 6 months. Eat 2 TBS per meal.
  2. You can purchase them here.

Please leave a comment below if you have tried cultured foods.  What have you experienced?  Personally, they have healed my gut and saved my life!  I enjoy a variety and make my own veggies and kombucha.

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