From Fear Into Freedom

This time of year is magical. The hues of autumn color the ground, pumpkin goodies are at every turn, and the air is crisp and full of fear.

Wait. What? That’s right — fear.

So many events happen in your daily life fill you with fears big (hello, Ebola!) and small (getting stuck in traffic). And these fears are carried around with you in ways you might not even recognize. Your body and brain, however, do. This fear prevents you from being your whole, true self and it’s crucial for you to release it.

The good news is that you have options in releasing your fear. No longer should you be held back from moving toward your passions; it’s time to let your gifts shine and reclaim your freedom.

I realize this can sound like an unwieldy endeavor, but trust me, nothing serves your brain-soul connection like releasing constant anxiety. In fact, I’ve got four easy ways for you to move forward right now.

1) Release the brain-soul tie. You’ll find everything you need to know about doing so in my free ebook at Albuquerque Natural Health Center.

2) Learn how to do a brain-soul clearing. I’m offering an exciting low-cost webinar TOMORROW that will give you all the knowledge you need to accomplish this. Sign up now.

3) Dust off your journal. Identify times when you’ve held a certain fear and use a release technique (put them in a balloon and let them go off into the sky or burn them in a fire pit) to free yourself from them.

4) Schedule a one-on-one biofeedback session with me. Call  us today!   505-797-0540

It’s so important to cut the strings of the past (fears) and allow freedom and empowerment to flow into your life. So, tell me, what are you afraid of?


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