Cleansing for Optimal Health

Detox blog woman

Detox blog woman

Cleansing for Optimal Health

Cleansing for optimal health is what it is all about today!  If you want to live longer, have more energy and have optimal health then you probably need to cleanse your physical body.   It is the combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet and parasites and pathogens that rob us of our brain power and vital energy. So, how do you know if you need internal cleansing? If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, it is time to detox:

  • Frequent fatigue and low energy
  • Constipation, Flatulence, gas , bloating
  • Weight issues- obesity or too thin
  • Food allergies, asthma
  • Impaired digestion
  • Irritability , mood swings
  • Bad breathe and foul smelling stools
  • Parasites in stool
  • Frequent colds
  • Recurring headaches
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Protruding belly (pooch)
  • Powerful food cravings
  • Skin problems, rashes
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Candida infection
  • Irritability, Depression

So, what does cleansing look like?

  1. Clean out the colon with specific herbs to clean out all the plaque, waste and parasites. Herbal fiber blend, flax seed, psyllium seed, colonics and green juices ( vegetables such as Kale, mustard greens, sea weeds, cucumber, celery in blender or vita mix).
  2. Replenish the good bacteria that protect the flora balance. This is very important and most people will not put enough of this good flora back in or take supplements for long enough. You can go up to nine caps a day if needed. All probiotics are different.
  3. It  is best to consult a natural health professional before beginning a cleanse. The suggestions below are for informational purposes. More people today are learning self care and the best place to begin is with your foods so take a peek at the blog post Detox and Flush Fat.
  4. I like to support the detox with biofeedback stress reduction which speeds the process along. Our programs include the Rife frequencies and additional frequencies which are great for zapping parasites and pathogens as well as rebuilding the glands and repairing the nervous system.

Before beginning a cleanse seek the help of a qualified practitioner to guide you.   Fasting is not always healthy and Hanna Kroeger taught us that fasting was like a surgeon’s knife. See more on Detoxing and the Phases of Detoxification in an upcoming blog.  Stay tuned.  Leave your comment below. How has biofeedback helped you detox and de -stress?


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