Beautiful Amazing You

This group runs from January to April, 2018


Allow your Inner and Outer Beauty to Shine!

Woweee…I am excited about this group. Besides the anti- aging frequencies for healthy skin, healthy hair, eye lifts and face lifts, I am adding more spiritual vibrations including faith, love, surrender, service and gratitude. I decided to make the meetings advanced applications of consciousness to keep us elevated in frequency.

Here is how the program works: Every Wednesday you will receive frequencies for balancing your skin, hair, nails, cells and youthfulness. They are vibrational and spiritual as well as physical. I found that the brain holds the patterns of the past and our beliefs about us. When you balance the brain and clear the soul (spirit or heart) you can allow your gifts to shine and your inner beauty glows. When your inner beauty glows and you enhance your outer beauty you RADIATE!   This is your truth.

Everything in the universe vibrates at a frequency. A negative thought has a charge as does a positive thought.   When you do the work and apply the principals of taking care of your body AND couple this with frequency medicine you are sure to receive the result you desire!

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

- Albert Einstein

Here are the seven steps to creating a Beautiful Amazing You!   You will receive the Ebook for free when you join the group!  

  • Nutrition and Suppliments
  • Non-toxic environment
  • Exercise – rebounder (move lymph) yoga, Tai Chi, etc.
  • Great sleep and spiritual practices LOVE
  • Hormonal balance
  • Mind-Body Connection and Stress Reduction – Biofeedback, Frequency Medicine, Energy work.
  • Detoxification of the body and skin

I developed the Beautiful Balanced Brain program because I began to see that when I changed the brain using different biofeedback programs my clients achieved results quicker and they were permanent. The Beautiful Balanced Brain program contains the information related to brain such as the neurotransmitters- serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, epinephrine, etc. It contains brain nutrition, the nerves of the spine and the parts of the brain.

It also gives the client the frequency measured in hertz through a sound to stimulate the alpha brain waves, balance the mind and body, reduce pain, zap sinus infections, parasites, and optimize DNA and more. The research shows that like vibration attracts like vibration. The Brain Programs I use re -organize the brain and help people maintain more consistent positive emotions and vibrations. Research has shown that the brain needs to experience one good positive experience to change the neural connections.

It has been shown that the emotions are involved in changing neurotransmitter output and that is why our feeling folks have quicker results over the thinking, analytical folks. It works for analytical folks– just takes a little longer. It is the powerful feelings and emotions that will make the difference for you. For example, do you recall really stating that you wanted something with great passion and it arrived? It is that passion (emotion) and intention that created that desire. Most folks can’t stay in that positive emotion consistently. So they need a little help and that is where the frequency medicine comes in to enhance and re-train and re-balance your brain. It is simple and it works! Check out what a few folks have shared about past groups.


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$397.00 - Three Months and a private strategy session with Louise

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Thoughts About Beautiful Amazing You...

There is something very comforting about knowing I am being cared for every week, as I am caring for others. A few thing that has changed and stuck from being apart of the abundance group and the brain group is that my compulsion to bite my fingernails has stopped. I have beautiful long, strong fingernails.  My eyes don't need glasses to see far and my cheaters were 2.0 and are now at 1.5.   I have also attracted clients that are ready for biofeedback and are committed to becoming well.

- D. S.

Hi Louise! - I'm part of the 'beauty' group.  After the very first wed session, I noticed a difference in my face.  The past 2 sessions haven't been as physically obvious in terms of my face, but this past Fri I was at a group dinner, and afterwards a young woman told me that she had been looking at me and had thought how beautiful I was/looked!  I have felt like my energy is a bit more consistent.  I have been doing the Mind Gems and feel different afterwards; today I had a definite 'heat' experience.  I am very much enjoying working with you and your systems.  I really liked seeing the visuals on the teleconference call as I was a stage lighting designer and I really relate to color, pattern, sacred geometry, fractals. I am looking forward to the continued changes of your good work.

- D. S.

Hello Louise, I wanted to thank you for all the work you do.  I am in your current group on Wednesday nights and think that it is helping me to be freer to love myself.  I have always been very hard on myself and suffer from depression and sadness. I feel a lot lighter and have even had moments of joy and laughter.  I am pleased with this because this time of year in the northeast is very hard for me.

- Susan R. Biofeedback Coach

Hi Louise- I was just kind of wondering what last week's affirmations were as I never saw them.  I do Mind Gems daily with the affirmations.  I have just continued to use the old ones.  Maybe there were only 2?  Anyhow, I had another person tell me I looked beautiful last week...just reporting!  I feel like my face and 'aura' or look has changed, couldn't really pinpoint how.  I did experience some relief from my neck shoulder stuff the morning after you worked on it.  It still returns but ... it definitely left for a while.  Just some pattern that needs to be broken up and I probably could use a massage!  I do have jaw, neck stuff anyway.  Thanks for all your work; I look forward to this week's sessions!!!! Love and blessings, Debora

I have not been minding my diet as much as I was at the beginning but am now back on track!!!   A friend stopped by last evening and remarked that I had lost weight - it was really the inflammation which I had wanted to lose.   I am looking younger at 81 years young, my skin in improving and I am very excited at all your programs and your healing modalities.  Love and Light to both of you and yours,

- Odessa 3.21.2013

I feel a deep inner peace more than I can remember. The pain in my back is gone. I feel more peace about issues. This peace is like a river in my soul. What a relief! Wahwee- lots of love and thank you!

- J.O., ABQ

I have not been minding my diet as much as I was at the beginning but am now back on track!!!   A friend stopped by last evening and remarked that I had lost weight – it was really the inflammation which I had wanted to lose.   I am looking younger at 81 years young, my skin in improving and I am very excited at all your programs and your healing modalities.

- O. ABQ

$397.00 - Three Months - and add a family member for FREE

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$397.00 - Three Months and a private strategy session with Louise

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