Relationship Patterns Affect Health

Relationship Patterns Affect Your Health Have you noticed that when you are right in relationships – with yourself, partners, family members, bosses, co workers , friends you feel good? And if things are not going well in a relationship area of life you are sick, tired, unmotivated or stuck and may have health imbalances too?…

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Supplement Maze

Supplement Maze You gotta admit the Supplement Maze is confusing. Because our food supply does not contain all the nutrients we need for optimal health,  supplementation is necessary. Frequency Enhanced balanced supplements will help your body and brain run like a fine tuned Ferrari.  I add frequency for better absorption and to boost your mood and…

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Brain Boosters Group Frequency

Brain Boosters Group Frequency Wow!   Our most popular group, Brain Boosters begins in just a few weeks.   If you have memory or focus issues, brain fog, fatigue, ADD/ADHD then this is the group for you!    We specialize in brain balancing which affects your whole being. We are the only center in the…

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Ocean Waves Call Our Soul

Ocean Waves Call Our Soul What does the energy of the ocean say to you? Magnificent beauty, power, freedom, glory and love- a sea of emotions with each wave` splashing and thundering against the rocks- just one BIG Wonder! There is love, laughter, boom, panic, roar, white, smooth, rolling thunder, excitement, teasing- here I come…

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Buried Heart Wounds

Buried Heart Wounds  Where are you giving away your power, health, or happiness?  Is it a buried heart wound? Just the other day a client and I worked on clearing the energy around the recent bad news she ( call her Sara, not real name) received that she may have cancer.  The doctors ( eight…

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Happy Hearts!

Happy Hearts! Every February I think Love, Valentines and happy hearts! Our physical bodies need attention as well as our emotional-mental and spiritual bodies.  How can you keep your heart happy?  Heart disease is still the most common cause of death in the United States. Heart Attacks, strokes, arteriosclerosis hardening and loss of elasticity of…

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Radiant Skin Inside and Out

Radiant Skin Inside and Out The Skin is the Largest Organ in Your Body Did you know that your skin always tells the truth? Beautiful skin is a reflection of healthy insides. It is said that the skin is the second kidney. Poor nutrition, ineffective cleansing habits and lack of quality sleep show up on…

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Transform Your Life!

Transform Your Life!   Have you ever had a period of weeks when you wake up dragging every day. Sleep is not fun and you do not look forward to hopping into a cozy bed.. it is dreadful and you stretch your evening until you are so exhausted you pray you will sleep till morning.  …

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Gut+Brain = Health

Gut+Brain = Health.  We hear so much today about the brain and gut relationship. What does this mean?  What happens in your gut?  When the mucus lining of the small intestine becomes too porous, allowing toxins, food particles and pathogens to enter the blood stream it causes “leaky gut.”  Since it is in the small…

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The Seven Steps to a Balanced Brain

The Seven Steps to a Balanced Brain.   You have heard if you change your brain you will change your life.  The brain is the master gland and dictates what your hormones do, what you think, feel and how you behave.  If you have any imbalance in your body, mind or spirit we need to…

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